One of the most transformative programs that Cambridge Youth Hockey runs is Learn-to-Skate (LTS). Working with 4-9-year olds in small groups, they turn uncertain novices into freshly minted skaters in a matter of weeks. It takes a lot of volunteers to perform this transformation.
For the volunteers, it's a lot of fun and very fulfilling. You don't need to be a terribly skillful skater -- just capable of getting around the ice OK. And you don't need to know anything about teaching skating. CYH has a time-tested bag of tricks and techniques that you can absorb in about five minutes. As they say, the ice does most of the teaching.
The program runs from 10-11am on Saturdays, from December through mid-March, at Simoni Rink in East Cambridge. Even after the season has started, more enthusiastic instructors are always needed.
If interested, please email
Sandy Gould

Last Updated: Thu Nov 14 2024 15:10:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)