Find Your Mission
Share your interests, time, and talents with your community.

Cambridge Camping

“When I attended the CVC workshop, I was a little bit nervous because I was still new here. But in the workshop, I told my desire and background (in human resources administration and training) to Laurie, so she assisted me in finding a wonderful opportunity at YWCA Cambridge. Being able to contribute to the community is one of the joys of living here.”
Naoko, Volunteer

Credit: D. Rabkin
Volunteer for Us!
Cambridge Volunteers often needs help with administration, communications, database management, or other projects. Our board of directors works on special assignments and steers agency strategy, meeting monthly in small groups or as a whole. If you’re interested in volunteering with us at the program or board level, contact
We’d love to hear from you.

Margaret Fuller House, Credit: D. Rabkin
Additional Volunteer Resources
A database of programs for Cambridge residents seeking services.
​Cambridge’s local giving platform – built, funded, and guided by residents since 1916.
Advancing equity and justice in the community by strengthening the Cambridge nonprofit sector, building collective voice, and promoting collaboration.
MHH|365 works to increase local volunteerism and create/promote service events for all ages, most notably, the Cambridge MLK Day of Service, which is the biggest single service event in the city.
The city's agency to understand our diverse social history and its legacies that exist today.
Offers unique tools for exploring the city, like maps of landmarks, community gardens, the African American History Trail, and local human services.
Catalogues more than one million social-impact jobs and hundreds of thousands of internships and volunteer opportunities.
Offers a national online database of volunteer opportunities, including Cambridge.